Florence Brewing Company
Earlier in the year I was asked to take some beer shots for an ad Florence Brewing Company was putting out. It was exciting and intimidating at the same time. I hadn't taken any classes on how to shoot glassware and it can be notoriously difficult. This is the finished product as it went in the publication.
I can't take credit for the ad. Only the picture. Their graphic designer did all that good stuff!
There were other challenges such as the foam fizzling out before I could finish the shots. I hear that there's some kind of compound I can buy and put in there to make it last a lot longer. We'll see. I've also found that a straw and blowing bubbles through it can bring back some of the beer head. Other issues...pay attention during your shoot! My angle was off in one of the pictures below and you can see a rooftop!
If you live near Florence Colorado you really should check out their beer. This is beer crafted with love, people! You can also check out their Facebook page, website, or follow them on Twitter and Instagram!
So I'm still working on shooting glass and my school (Rocky Mountain College of Art + Design...the rock!) is helping me sharpen my skills. What tips do you have for shooting glass?